Currently registration for Dolphin Therapy sessions is not arranged. The estimated date for the next registration is 2026.
Lithuanian Sea Museum from 21st to 25th of October registered participants the dolphin assisted therapy program.
Registered participants will be accepted throughout 2025/2026 years.
Registration is now open for a comprehensive weekly programme with one dolphin therapy session.
- On Monday – specialist provides consultation and a special educational session
- On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there are three individual special educational sessions arranged.
The programme also includes additional discussions and recommendations of the sessions that have taken place.
- On Friday – the Dolphin Therapy session is arranged. It is a unique experience that provides not only emotional but also therapeutic benefits.
*Special educational sessions: sensory integration, movement therapy, art education, social skills training and a virtual reality games room.
Programme price – 800 €.
This programme runs from October to April.
Please register by email:
The Dolphin Therapy programme is for people (children and adults) who have disabilities, individual support needs or are experiencing complicated emotional and psychological problems.
Price for one session is 120 Eur, price for one additional educational activity is 30 Eur.
After analysing the client's needs, the specialists draw up an individual two-week programme of therapeutic sessions, including sessions with dolphins in the water and additional training sessions chosen according to the client's needs (e.g. artistic training, movement, sensory integration, social skills training, etc.) and specialist advice.
When registering, you can indicate if you would like to attend individual sessions rather than the full course of 10 Dolphin Therapy sessions. Dolphin therapy is recommended for children from the age of four years, depending on the child's individual development.
Dolphin Therapy aims to provide comprehensive support to families with a child with disabilities. One of the main objectives of the Dolphin Therapy Center is to improve the quality of life of families facing a family member with a disability and to strengthen family cohesion.
Neurosensorimotor assessment is a study that assesses a person's sensory and motor abilities. The cost of a consultation with an assessment is 90.50 Eur.
After this consultation, our specialists can prepare a program of special educational activities at the Dolphin Therapy Center that meets your child's needs, aimed at developing movement, artistic education, sensory and social skills. The structure of the program can be organized according to the desired and recommended number of activities (from 2 to 3 per day) in order to ensure maximum educational results for children.
Consultations are provided throughout the year.
2-3 special educational sessions are planned every day, adapted to the individual needs of the client. It is possible to personalize - by changing the number of sessios per day as well possible to attending sessions of the program for 5 days or 10 days.
The price of one special educational session is 30 Eur, duration – 30 min.
This program is available from May to September.
Information: +370 46 41 62 94.
AB „Premia KPC“ ir MAXIMA, LT, UAB, bendradarbiaudami su Lietuvos jūrų muziejaus Delfinų terapijos centru vykdo paramos vaikams su negalia akciją „Tau ledai, o jiems – delfinų pagalba“.
Šiemet bus atrinkta 15 vaikų su negalia, kurie turės unikalią galimybę dalyvauti terapiniuose užsiėmimuose su delfinais ir pasidžiaugti jų draugyste.
1. Vaikas su negalia yra iki 17 metų amžiaus (imtinai).
2. Šeima, kurioje auga vaikas su negalia susiduria su finansiniais sunkumais.