Small changes in our daily lives can have a big impact on the environment we live in. We invite you to contribute to a more sustainable world! Here are some simple ways we can all be more responsible.
Switch off lights and appliances when you are not using them
- Finished work? Switch off your computer, monitor and other unnecessary electrical devices.
- If there are no people in the room, the lights are also unnecessary.
Plastic is a challenge, but we can reduce it!
Do you have a reusable cup or water bottle? Let's get in the habit of using reusable containers and help reduce waste! One water bottle can replace up to 167 plastic bottles a year and one reusable cup can replace up to 500 disposable cups.
Let's develop our responsibility!
Share sustainable ideas with colleagues. Do you have any tips or stories about how you yourself are contributing to sustainability? Share them on the intranet or in meetings. Join our sustainability challenges and initiatives!
Every step counts!
Let's be an example not only for ourselves, but also for others. Sustainability starts with all of us, and small everyday actions can make a big difference.
We invite you to do your part! If you have ideas on how we can be more sustainable, please contact us at