Average salary

Employees of the Lithuanian Maritime Museum working under employment contracts in 2023. I-II quarter average salary in euros before taxes (including official salary, bonuses and bonuses).

Job title Average I quarter salary, EUR Average II quarter salary, EUR
The head of the museum and his deputies 3420 3466
Heads of structural units and their deputies 2802 2838
Specialists (A level positions) 2124 2174
Specialists (level B positions) 1701 1688
Qualified employees 1513 1538
Workers 1079 1096

Employees of the Lithuanian Maritime Museum working under employment contracts in 2022. average salary in euros before taxes (including official salary, bonuses and bonuses).

Job title Average III quarter salary, EUR Average IV quarter salary, EUR
The head of the museum and his deputies 3165 3595
Heads of structural units and their deputies 2529 2909
Specialists (A level positions) 1913 2178
Specialists (level B positions) 1496 1697
Qualified employees 1354 1562
Workers 972 1010