The Lithuanian Sea Museum - a real practice: you'll have to work, think and create here!

The Lithuanian Sea Museum welcomes students wishing to take cognitive, professional or research practice.

Educational institutions or students themselves should apply to the Public Relations and Marketing Department. The following data should be submitted: the student's name, speciality, course, aims and objective of the practice and the department of the Lithuanian Sea Museum where a student wishes to take practice. If a student applies at his/her own initiative, the same data should be provided as well. Not later than five days before the commencement of the practice in question, a student must submit three copies of the agreement on practical training concluded by the educational institution and the student, the copy of identification document, the copy of social security certificate (if available) and CV.

During the term of practice, the student is guided by a manager who coordinates his activities and makes a respective activity plan.

Contact:, +370 46 49 07 40.