Jauno tarpukario Lietuvos jūrininko Vytauto Bagdanavičiaus (1920–1941) dienoraščio, kurį jis rašė 1937–1939 m. praktikos burlaivyje „Moshulu“ metu, leidyba. Dienoraštyje aprašytos XX a. pradžios pasaulio jūrinės prekybos aktualijos, aplankytos šalys ir jų gyventojai, gyvenimo jūroje ypatumai. Dienoraštis iliustruotas autentiškomis paties autoriaus darytomis nuotraukomis.
Dokumentų, bylojančių tarpukario Lietuvos Respublikos pastangas kurti nacionalinį prekybos ir karo laivyną, bei artefaktų, liudijančių lietuvių emigraciją jūra, restauravimas ir konservavimas.
Originalių atvirukų rinkinio su Baltuoju švyturiu ir Klaipėdos šiauriniu molu bei kitų XX a. pirmos pusės spaudinių įsigijimas.
2026 metams rengiama interaktyvi paroda Lietuvos jūrų muziejuje apie kurortų kultūros ištakas, raidą ir poilsiavimo tradicijas mūsų krašte.
Travelling exhibition „Stories of the Baltic Sea Depths“
An exhibition that travels around the regions of Lithuania, introducing the underwater cultural heritage of Lithuania, the context of its origin, the possibilities of learning about this heritage and the benefits of research for society.
Room escape game S.O.S
Room escape game in the ship-museum M52 SUDUVIS, clues of which will provide the visitors with more knowledge about the crew and missions of the minehunter.
Strolling with Gustav to the past of the Lithuanian maritime history
15 edutaining videos created together with a popular TV character Gustav highlighting noteworthy exhibits of the navigation history exhibition.
Historical ships’ parade Dangė Flotilla
Traditional and unique ship parade during the Sea Festival in Klaipeda, presenting cultural maritime heritage with numerous edutainment activities to the public.
Restauration of Artefacts Illustrating Lithuanian Maritime History
Restauration of original containers produced in the USA in 1922 for transatlantic transportation of personal assets of one Lithuanian family.
Stories of the Baltic Sea Depths
Exhibition in the Lithuanian Sea Museum, presenting the underwater cultural heritage in the Lithuanian territory waters.
Listen to the Sea Stories
Audio guide project, aiming at widening the range of services provided to the Museum’s visitors.
Laboratory of Sustainable Future Developers. Wasteless 2022
The project through its numerous activities propagating the ideas of less consumption, re-use, recycling, and a waste-free life way.
Acquisition of Museum Valuables
Acquisition of the collectibles, representing the maritime history of Lithuania and Klaipeda region in 1901–1945.