
This centre provides therapy for children and adults with various disabilities. In the first year, dolphins interacted with children with autism and later began socialising with people with Down syndrome, those suffering from oncology, cerebral palsy and other diseases.
While working in a therapy centre, dolphins choose who they want to interact with – interestingly, in this area of activity, they do not get encouraged with fish and constantly amaze with their ability to find a common ground with a wide variety of people. Dolphins are sensitive to the emotional state of their guests and can adapt to it. As a result, one of the first effects of therapy visitors can notice is a massive influx of positive emotions.
Therapy sessions usually involve the entire team of professionals: a dolphin trainer, a psychologist, a physiotherapist, a behavioural specialist and a social worker. In 2013, the Dolphin Assisted Therapy Programme was validated by the order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania as a health promotion service. It is a European precedent whereby dolphin therapy is regulated by the Ministry of Health documents. 
In addition to direct assistance to visitors, the Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Centre is also a place where research is conducted, conferences are held and scientific articles are published.

Registration to the Dolphin assisted therapy program is available every year. Attention to those, who is willing to register for the next period. Not less than 4 months before the registration scheduled day, information about opening registration day and hour is announced. Preliminary date for the next registration is in 2024.

Price for one therapy session with dolphins is 120 Eur, duration of session is 30 minutes. For one participant 10 sessions with dolphins are planned.

At the moment we have few spear places starting from November for participating in the additional programmes:
Consultation of specialists and individual movement, neurosensorymotor, snoozelen activities. Registration by phone: (+370 46) 46 10 10